ShakPack Wikia

About Tips and Tricks[]

Programmer Mindset[]

A good coder tries to follow a few basic rules, and I will try to enlighten all you heathens on a few good practices and habits that will make your life easier, if not right away at least down the track when it comes back to editing old settings!

Quirks of Lua[]

There will be a few tutorials covering how Lua works, which if you know other languages, may seem quite strange, and may make no sense at all if your new to scripting!

Problems To Avoid and Lessons Learned[]

Especially early on when learning how to script, you will learn better ways of doing things constantly, and some people may worry too much about doing it the wrong way and spending too much time thinking over something, when in reality its just better to go ahead and try, coming back to fix things up later. You'll learn more by doing it wrong then not doing it at all.

Tutorial List[]

  • Pass by reference for table, pass by value for others.
  • Decoupling: using functions and not reaching into other settings too much.
  • Refactoring: breaking down functions and using functions where needed.